In Defense of Cold Vacations: Because They Give You Material for a Lifestyle Blog

OK, so this post's title is tongue-and-cheek. 'Cause this a blog about COOKING and WRITING, though Leah and I did have a pretty fun time in Minneapolis last week. So here’s a few more pictures from the trip, and explanations that go with them. Again, the highlight of our short vacation was definitely the frozen …

Continue reading In Defense of Cold Vacations: Because They Give You Material for a Lifestyle Blog

In Brief: Fifth Snow Day and Book Reading

Last Wednesday was my school’s fifth snow day of the school year. For students this is a cause for celebration, though for teacher’s, a headache. It’s a pretty good illustration, I believe, of different long-term thinking abilities—students aren’t considering that we’ll now have a total of five days tacked onto the end of the school …

Continue reading In Brief: Fifth Snow Day and Book Reading