Final Thoughts on Teaching “Macbeth”: The Films

We’re finally done with “Macbeth” in my 10th grade classes. Students will be taking their midterms soon, so in preparation for them, and to give them a break from regular studying, we’ve been watching different “Macbeth” films. Here’s what I ended up showing, along with my takes on each. And seriously, if you haven’t watched …

Continue reading Final Thoughts on Teaching “Macbeth”: The Films

“Macbeth,” and a Question: Is “Hamilton” Worth the Hype?

Lately I’ve been posting about “Macbeth,” a play I’ve thoroughly enjoyed teaching. But what does that have to do with the play “Hamilton?” Well actually, if you’ve seen “Hamilton” (or at least if you’ve listened to the soundtrack), you’d know the answer to that question. Or obviously, as you have probably guessed if you aren't …

Continue reading “Macbeth,” and a Question: Is “Hamilton” Worth the Hype?

Explain the Porter Monologue in “Macbeth” or Just Skip Over It?

Some more notes on teaching “Macbeth”: First, don’t worry—my next post won’t be about this play. And second, though Shakespeare and his language are often seen as “high and mighty,” in so many ways “Macbeth” can shatter this illusion for inexperienced students. I’d say that’s for better, because I’m in favor of making all literature …

Continue reading Explain the Porter Monologue in “Macbeth” or Just Skip Over It?