Open Mic, Take Two

Tonight I’m going to do another reading at Scuppernong Books. The event starts at 6:30, so if anyone happens to be in the area, please feel free to stop by (in Greensboro, on Elm Street)! As mentioned, last time I read a very short story which I had published before. I was a little nervous to attend my first open mic but it went well. So this time I’m going to try something new, and I’m curious to see how it’ll be received.

What surprised me about the open mic night in December was how readings were more or less just for the sake of reading—there wasn’t any feedback component, which was fine. Some people told me they were reading their fiction “to work through stuff,” and that makes sense. Also, I was surprised by how nice everyone was (which might also explain the lack of critiques). I have a story that I’ve been sending out for about four months now, and I think it works, but obviously as I write this, no editor has grabbed it yet. I’m going to try that tonight, and then I’m going to tell people to feel free to give me some feedback. And hopefully no one will mind!

So I’m curious if anyone will say anything. I’ll find out soon, anyway! And then coming next, a post about my new typewriter. Happy Monday!

–Jeff and Leah

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