“Prison Prose” Published in THE DRABBLE (100 words)

The Drabble just published my short piece “Prison Prose,” which you can read by clicking here.

Now, two quick things: First, The Drabble is an excellent 100-words-or-less online magazine that I read daily. Also, I owe them a small debt of gratitude. I first started writing fiction in 2011 or so, and I wasn’t really good. I got one piece published by 2014, and between a lot of rejections and starting graduate school, I stopped writing for a while around that time. But then in 2018, I had a funny idea for a story and I sent it to The Drabble and violà! They accepted it and I’ve been writing steadily since. You can read that story by clicking here, or just know, its 99 words about teaching Edgar Alan Poe.

The story here is 100 words about going to prison. It’s also about writing, and I don’t know where I got the idea for it. So moving on to something more interesting, i.e. my second point. For Christmas Leah got me a mechanical typewriter. I am still working out its kinks, but soon I’ll try and make a post about actually typing out my extremely short fiction. I thought it might be fun to send to people in the mail, for the cost of postage. But for now I need to work on my finger strength! It is hard, and I have yet to make it more than two characters in without missing a key. Older generations, I am sure, can sympathize—or not! My dad thinks my poor typewriting skills are hilarious!

Happy 2020 everyone!

–Jeff and Leah

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